Thursday, September 9, 2010

Milan Day 2

The mozzies here are brutal.  Filthy bloodsuckers.

After last night's thunder storm and torrential rain, I was prepared this morning with my umbrella and spray jacket.  Of course, Milan turned out a beautiful, warm and sunny day!  I think it's going to be like this for the rest of the week, thank goodness - or at least over the race weekend.  Last night when I went out I wondered why the street was so deserted, and wondered where the hell I was staying (I had thought it was in the middle of the city) - but clearly, everyone else just realised the storm was coming, because tonight it's a teeming metropolis.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending how you look at it), I won't have time to visit any of the designer outlets, which in general are quite a way out of the city - at least an hour by car, I believe.  But, I am within walking distance of Monte Napoleone...

My hotel apparently has a central heating/cooling system, although I think that must just be in the passageways and common areas, because in my room, I'm sweltering!  Ah well, such is life.

This hotel is also on the official black list, along with Europcar - not for the lack of cooling, but for the rude staff.  I purchased my interet for the next few days, as it's not included, but it's cheap so that was fine.  I was having issues where it kept randomly booting me and sending me back to the login page whilst I was surfing, and then wouldn't let me log in again, because the account was already in use.  Something fairly small, you'd think.

So, as you do, I went to reception to explain what was happening, to see if there was a way to fix it, or if they were having connection issues.  I was told, in no uncertain terms by the rude, arrogant, smug and just downright nasty prick on reception that I'd paid for my internet, it was non refundable, and that it wasn't his problem if it wasn't working.

Anyway.  I kept my temper by some miracle, and he eventually gave me new logon details - free of charge, as he so rudely pointed out.  The same issue is occuring on and off, but nevermind.

It's very disappointing, because I've relied so much on hotel staff for tips and advice, especially travelling on my own, and they've been an absolute goldmine of information everywhere else, and so helpful.  It really does make life easier. 

Needless to say, I'll be putting bad reviews up of this hotel on every travel forum I can find online.  Hotel Carribbio on Via Medici, people.  Don't stay here.  Do, however, try the Argentinian restaurant across the road! 

After that little moment, the day was good.  I needed a lazy day, so I meandered through the city.  Milan is pure evil, especially if you have shopping issues.  You can't walk ten metres without coming upon a shoe store, not to mention everything else.  I'm very proud of the fact that the only shop I actually stepped foot in, let along bought things, was the Ferrari Store here, which was planned.  So it's okay.

That store is amazing.  Ferrari heaven, split over four levels.  And the shoes I was going to buy for over 70 euro a year or so ago, I got for under 13 euro, bonus.  Of course, they forgot to take the security tag out of one of the items I purchased, which I didn't realise until I got back to my hotel, so I'm going to have to go back...

Tomorrow it's off to the race.  We'll see how the public transport is to the track - I don't think it's anywhere near as organised as Melbourne is when it comes to making things easy on travellers going to the race.  From my hotel I need to take the metro then the normal trains, but that's okay.  I think the issue will then be the 30 minute walk from Monza station to the track gate, because for some reason, they only have shuttles taking you out there on the Sunday (I don't think They have picked up on the fact the event is three days, yet).

So I'm told.  We shall see what we shall see!

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