Sunday, September 19, 2010

Home at Last

I guess I should tie this up.  And I'm going to try and not finish it on a furious, seething note.

KL was great, except for the people hawking at you all the time, and the sales assistants stalking you through the shops.  The minute they started doing that I left, even if there was something I wanted to buy.  It's unnerving.

Friday morning I went to the shopping centre at the Petronas towers, and mostly did window shopping, but I did get two pairs of gorgeous Ferragamos, which insisted they come home with me.  I just can't argue with shoes. 

Then I went to Chinatown.  I lasted about 10 minutes before the people asking me if I want DVD?  I have TV too!  We have real shop over here lady!  got on my nerves, and there really wasn't anything there that was worth the effort being hassled, and also trying to bargain, so I very quickly left.  I really don't know how people deal with those places, but I guess I just wasn't made for markets, of any sort.

Although the ones in Nice were nice.  Eep.  No pun intended.  They were civilised.

So since Chinatown made me irritable, I headed to the lake park garden things, dodging many taxis asking if lady wanted a ride, and spent the rest of the day in the bird aviary they have there, which was really cool.  It was a nice, relaxing way to spend my last moments on holiday.  Oh, and the butterfly park before that.  You have NO idea how hard it is to take photos of a fluttering butterfly! 

Anyway, it's back to crapalaide - well, truly it's good to be home, but I really expected the weather would have improved somewhat - it's still the bloody middle of winter!  UNbelievable.  Everyone on the flight home was coughing and spluttering, and now I feel like I'm coming down with something too.  Gotta love being home.  Not.

Okay, onto the seething, because I have to get it out.  Thankfully, I got the phone call this morning telling me my suitcase had arrived at Adelaide Airport, and I could come pick it up (it was in Customs, so they couldn't send it all on.  They thought the olive oil was alcohol).  And then they didn't bother looking in it anyway, they just gave it to me.

So anyway, I was thankful.  Then I opened my suitcase when I got home, and I could tell straight away that it had been thorougly gone through.  Assuming, it was the idiot passanger that nicked it, since Customs aren't allowed to go through it without you there to open it.  I could tell, because I know exactly how I packed it - the same way I always packed it - and when it's backed that tight, there is NO way boxes can shift to the other end of your suitcase, and in an different orientation.  That, and half of it was sitting on top of the straps I'd done up to hold it all together.

Which in itself is absolutely disgusting - and the thought that someone has pawed through all of my belongings is awful. 

They STOLE my KIMI caps.  All three of them.  STOLE them!  And my camera charger, but that could also have fallen out, given they unzipped all of the internal pockets as well, which it was sitting in.

They stole my Kimi caps though!  Who would DO that!  Clearly, they thought it was something that wouldn't be missed.  And yes, I KNOW they were in there, I can pictur myself packing them. 

I'm beyond furious, and, on top of the person taking and using my credit card, have finally lost any little faith I may have had left in people.  The world would really be a better place if there were no people in it.

So, the charger is considered electrical and therefore not covered as it was in my luggage, (which is why I always had my cameras and laptop on me) and the $250 excess is about what it will cost me to replace the caps anyway (considering the postage typically costs as much as the caps themselves).  But at least I've hunted them down.  Kimi Ferrari caps are hard to come by these days...

So, that's the end of my holiday.  I officially hate Italy, and everything to do with it.  I'm sure I had good experiences there, but I don't remember them at the moment.  I have no faith left in people full stop, an I'm down three Kimi caps.  Oh, and camera chargers cost a bloody fortune too. 

The end. 

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