Tuesday, September 7, 2010


And I thought there were a lot of Ferraris in Monaco.

I was happy to say goodbye to Florence - there was probably more I could have seen in the city, but I'm a little over basilicas, and most definitely over the car hostile streets. I just want to say that driving here generally isn't difficult, but the issue I've had is that I booked my hotels, based on location, THEN decided to hire a car and drive - if I'd made the decision on the car before booking hotels, then I would have been able to pick locations that are car friendly, as well as foot friendly. 

I spent the afternoon in Maranello, on the way to Venice. The area is pretty, but nothing really in itself - the only real attraction of Maranello is of course Ferrari. The whole town is Ferrari. Apartment blocks are painted red - even the flowers on the street are red. And knowing Ferrari, that's no coincidence.
Trophy Wall
I visited Galleria Ferrari, which is full of new and old street and racing cars. The Hall of Victory has a handful of Championship winning cars in there, including Michael Schumacher's and, more importantly, one of Kimi's F2007s. It also has Flippi's F2008, but you can take or leave that one.

Hall of Victory
I was happy to see that around the Galleria in general, Kimi is just as well represented as Schumacher, maybe even moreso!

The entry fee is a little exorbitant for what it is, but the Galleria is still a must see for any Ferrari fan. The factory isn't much to see itself from the outside. Ahh, if only I knew someone who owns a Ferrari and could get a tour... oh, wait... :p
Fiorano Test Track
Spa 2009 Constructor's Trophy has pride of place in the Hall of Victory
The Fiorano test track is right there too, and today they were testing a road car and another formula car - and the sound!!! It fills the entire town. That was when you truly knew you were in Ferrari land.

Kimi's F2007
If you head towards the entry of the track, on Via Gilles Villeneuve, turn left at the last side street before the (heavily guarded) entrance, there is a spot in the fence you can peer through and see the back end of the track. I found that spot just as they were taking the road car off, so I'm not sure what it was, other than that it was black.

Kimi's 2007 Helmet

I visited the Ferrari Store across the road from the Factory, which was small and running low on stock, so I'll wait until Milano to get anything - hoping the stores there are bigger (if all else fails, there is always Monza). There are a few monuments and such around the town, but I didn't bother with those. It was getting late, and I had to head to Venice.
Like I said - everything in the town is red!
Venice - wow. Another place that you really do just have to see, at least once in your life. I parked my car at the edge of the city, and caught the Vaporetto to Piazza San Marco, where my hotel is. The Piazza is surrounded with the Palazzo Ducale, San Marco Basilica and other buildings I've yet to discover. The Piazza is just stunning. It was about 7pm when I got in, so I haven't explored yet. I can't wait until I start tomorrow! The (very slow) waterbus trip up the Grand Canal was wonderful. It's really odd seeing buildings sitting in water, and doors literally opening into the Canal.

I love my hotel. I was greeted by name when I walked in, had my bags taken up to my room for me... the downside, as there always is one, is that it doesn't have wireless, so I'm not sure when I'll even be able to post this up. The concierge said something about internet access in the foyer, and I'm guessing you need... a cord. I know, I know. Positively archaic.

I had dinner in one of its restaurants. After all of the pasta and pizza, I had a craving for red meat, so I ordered a veal steak. Disappointing, because it was a very thin steak - the type you bash for a steak sandwich - less than 1cm thick, and well and truly dead. Good if you like your cow dead I suppose, but I like mine to moo a little. With that I ordered rosemary potatoes, which were delicious. Dessert was ricotta cheese cake (YUM) and being extra indulgent after the disappointing steak, hot chocolate with whipped cream. And more good white wine. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but both here and in France, there is no such thing as ordering a glass of wine. You either get a whole bottle, or it come in measurements, in carafes. Usually it's 25cl, 37.5cl (more commonly the smallest) or 75cl. No, I have no idea what a cl i s, but 37.5 is probably two glasses? Prices of wine are generally quite good, as are the wines themselves.

Across the lane were a couple of little shops selling, of course, glass and masks. So many beautiful things, and good prices too. I can feel some serious shopping coming on tomorrow!

I can't wait to explore Venice over the next two days, and wish now that I had more than two nights here. But Monza awaits later this week! Vroom vroom!

ps - I think I'm going to have to go on a diet of water and lettuce when I get home. I think just inhaling the food puts on a few pounds.


  1. u could have paid for me to go.. then u could have gotten in!

  2. pfft Like you need someone to pay for YOU!
