Thursday, August 19, 2010


I think my feet are going to start bleeding soon. The perils of a profession where you sit on your ass all day.

There are a few things that have really struck me about Paris.

1. It's so clean. There is no litter anywhere, the copious amount of bins are constantly emptied, and even the much used public toilets are clean, believe it or not.

2. There are no obese people. Seriously. (Other than the English speaking tourists, that is). Not that all Parisians are thin, but I have honestly seen no obese ones. In all of my walking, I have also only seen one fast food place, and that was in Versailles - a McDonalds. Maybe the two are related? But then, with all of the delicious food around, who needs American burger joints?

3. NUTELLA. It's everywhere. Nutella crepes, Nutella in the petit dejeuner room for toast and croissants... I'm in heaven. And to think I brought a jar with me!

4. It's actually quite cheap. The food (I just had dinner - duck - and wine for 21€) the metro (less than 6€ for a return trip to Versailles), even a bottle of Evian is cheaper than our plain old Mount Franklin water... So long as you think in Euros, and ignore the crappy $au conversion, but still, it is cheap, even the food at the tourist places, which you would expect they'd charge through the nose for, simply because they can.

5. People are generally very friendly, and not at all the snooty French they are stereotyped as.

6. There are way too many gypsies, and none at all resemble Johnny Depp in Chocolat. Damn you Hollywood!

And the pastries.... nom, nom, nom!

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