Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Going back a step - on the way from Pari to Lyon, I stopped at Fontainebleau Chateau.  Again, this place was beyond words.  And as with the other various palaces I've seem thus far, you only get to see a fraction.  It's opulent, to say the least.  Napoleon had this tranformed into what it is today, as an alternative to Versailles, which also been emptied out during the Revolution. 

Napoleon's Mantle
There are a lot of Napoleon's personal effects and clothing on display as well, along with some baby clothing, all of which is gorgeous.  The detail on the clothing is just amazing.

The photo below is of the Queen's bedroom - the decor shown was ordered by Marie-Antoinette, but she never got to use it, as the court didn't return before the Revolution.

The photo below that is Napoleon's office, where he also signed his abdication.  Behind you can see a makeshift bed, as he often worked such long hours that he slept in his office.

Queen's Room

Napoleon's Office

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