Tuesday, August 17, 2010

KL Airport

It's just after 11pm Adelaide time on Tuesday night, and I'm in KL airport waiting for my connecting flight. 

This airport is absolutely unbelievable!  HUGE, swanky... I had to catch a train to get to my gate.  It even has a freaking rainforest in the centre of it!

They don't stop feeding you on the flight, dad, you'll like that! Electrical storms also look very cool from up in the air.  

Even in the airport it's hot and muggy here - I can finally wear a tee shirt!  I could definitely get used to this.  Looking very forward to spending a few days i KL on my way home. 

I have a window seat on the next leg too, thank GOODNESS!  I don't know how people sit in the middle aisle, that would be hell.

Must stay awake a few more hours into this flight, which takes off at 12.30am I think, then if I can sleep through to Paris, hopefully I can beat some jetlag... 

Not sure what I'll do when I get there (Wednesday?) but I'm booked into an Eiffel Tower climb (well, elevator) on Thursday morning. 

Now I'm off to explore this airport! 

Ahhhh, sweet muggy heat... I could live here...

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